HTI Group is a property development company with a social conscience. We harness the imagination to find ways to enhance communities, create opportunities and inspire creativity. We use our expertise to transform vacant and underused spaces into vibrant precincts for living.HTI集团是具有务实之心及社会责任感的一家房地产开发公司。我们用丰富的想象力,不断创新并激发潜能,旨在缔造优质的社区生活。我们专注于将闲置物业及空地发展成为更人居,更生机勃发的商贸宜居生活区。
Born from the merging of two longstanding family businesses, our team has a proven record of successful projects that achieve just this, and we look forward to working with investors, agents and property owners to create even more spaces for communities of the world to enjoy.诞生于两个传统家族企业的融合,我们已向世人展现了丰富的成功经验,而现在我们更加展望未来,期望与投资方,经纪人,业主们,携手合作,创造更多更宽敞的社区生活环境。
Jon is a Chartered Accountant with a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He specialises in corporate finance, strategic planning, finance and performance management, and business process re-engineering. Jon’s significant experience in property development, financial due diligence and analysis gives him the drive and skills to bring big projects to life.Jon是一位拥有特许执照的会计师,获商贸学士学位。尤其是在诸如公司财务,战略策划,金融与效率管理,企业流程再造等领域,他都拥有极高的造诣。而在房地产开发,金融尽职审查及分析等方面,Jon也拥有丰富的经验,并赋予了其驾驭大规模项目的优秀能力。
Adam is a Certified Practising Valuer with a Bachelor of Business (Property) degree. He specialises in development and investment property valuation. His significant experience providing strategic real estate advice to both the government and private sector means he has the expertise to guide any project, large or small, to its potential with maximum impact.Adam是一位注册专业评估师,获商业(房地产)学士学位。他专注于房地产开发及投资评估领域的专业工作。而在通过对政府和私人个体提供战略性房地产建议的同时,他的丰富经验更意味着其专业能力足以引领规模各异的项目, 并用他的影响力激发项目的最大潜能。
We transform spaces by providing services and expertise to produce exciting and vibrant multi-faceted projects in previously inactive areas. Our services include:我们致力于提供专业服务,在过去比较停滞甚至沉闷的地区,合理利用其空间,并最终打造成振奋人心且充满活力的多功能项目。我们的服务包括:
Our experience lies in creating multi-use precincts of all shapes and sizes that incorporate hotels, residential developments, retail and public spaces which communities can be proud of.
Our projects strive to create open precincts which add to the public’s experience of an area, precincts which are accessible, not closed off or shut away.
We do this because we want the towns and cities of the world to develop spaces for people. And we want to be a part of that, because we’re people too.
Our services are anchored in 30 years’ experience. We work with property owners, investors, real estate agents and others to think innovatively about development opportunities.
We draw on our experience and successful developments around the world to inform our thinking. We research communities to find what is needed and what is desired, and how that can be applied to the project.
We then provide the development services required to convert concept into reality.
Midtown is taking shape as Canberra’s next exciting precinct – one which will set the benchmark for future development along the Northbourne Avenue corridor.
HTI are committed to bringing the precinct to previously lifeless zone on Northbourne Avenue through the use of laneways, iconic architecture and a sense of community. The mixture of apartments, terraces and retail offerings will be a cut above the norm, and interesting contemporary work-spaces will offer something a little different to meet the needs of the modern work environment.
Midtown is not just another apartment complex. Midtown is a smart, exciting precinct built for a community that expects clever, vibrant and socially conscious developments. Canberrans know what they want, and here it is.
Midtown项目正被积极塑造成为堪培拉的又一处令人心动的商贸宜居生活区 - 作为标杆,它俨然成为了未来沿着Northbourne Avenue走廊开发的新标准。
HTI集团承诺将为坐落于Northbourne Avenue的全新生活区启用独具线条感的建筑风格,社区式的人居品味,也将注定颠覆该地区过去那索然无趣的生活形态。公寓,联排别墅以及商铺的完美结合是如此与众不同,它那丰富多彩而充满现代感的工作空间也将满足世人对于现代商务的种种需求。